With your Miele washing machine you have chosen excellent quality and performance. In fact, we make a specialised washing powder designed for use in washing machines supplied with softened water. Standard detergent normally contains two enzymes, one for proteins and one for oils. The issue is in fact regarding detergent dosing. I am seriously thinking of buying a a Miele twindos, but I am a little worried incase the machine is difficult to understand and of course use. Liquid can be used to pretreat stains, but it's easy to accidentally use too much. I have used dos just once and got a fantastic result. How to use liquid detergent in a washing machine. I would suggest you use a lot less of the regular detergent. NO it will not ruin your machine. Both Miele UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 detergents have been specially designed for use in these high-tech machines. Again savings on the ironing. The washing machine can now be operated via a mobile device using the Miele@mobile App. With your Miele Washing Machine you have chosen excellent quality and performance. There really are no redeeming factors from a technical perspective in design or in use. Use your detergent as a washing machine cleaner. Can I use regular (non-HE) detergent in an HE washer? UltraPhase 2 detergent is used at the end of the washing cycle. Oh and for good measure, every single one we've looked at thus far also has a sealed drum so if you don't have a maintenance plan and the bearings fail, you're looking at a £200 plus repair. 1966 Miele introduces the first electronic tumble dryer in Europe - T 460. When you are using softened water, you should cut down the amount of detergent you use by 75%. Miele isn't the only company that makes a washing machine with a detergent dispenser. The short answer is NO! Knowing where to put liquid detergent in a washing machine will depend on the detergent you're using. They’re pretty dumb really for the most part. This is why we now offer detergents specifically for Miele washing machines. Email us for washing machine parts you need and we'll do the work for you. You'll notice this and a few more articles, often features that are heavily promoted by one or two manufacturers, usually of German origin (well the brand name anyways) seem to attract more comments than most. Then you have to wonder why that is given the givens and that normal people, who are quite happy probably wouldn't do that or be researching a product that they already own and are using. SteamCare technology can reduce the need for ironing by up to 50% or altogether, depending on the type of fabric. Find out how to clean the detergent drawer. No, we haven’t made a mistake on that price, this is a flagship washing machine from the Miele W1 range and will set you … The machine regulates the amount to the amount of washing in the machine. Most of the time, you will put the detergent directly in the drum. When you are using softened water, you should cut down the amount of detergent you use by 75%. It tangles clothes. It’s a glorified advert, of course, it’s not exactly fully accurate will we say, to be kind. With Miele. You also have systems like Miele’s TwinDos auto-dosing system that uses specific detergents that are delivered in a sort of cartridge type way and, they ain’t cheap. Miele in Great Britain. No, you should not use regular detergents in a high-efficiency washer as you might experience problems. Washing Machine Settings Load Capacity. High-efficiency washing machines need HE detergent, but you can also use HE detergent in a regular washer. They dryer has a superior non iron steam function. Out of the gate, the new Miele washer and dryer models are out to amaze and they do just that and more. Find out more about "Detergent" As an added bonus, you will find that washing your clothes with softened water in fact has many other benefits aside from savings on detergents and conditioners. We have tested the wash performance on the normal washes and, shock of shocks, it's largely in line with machines that use the exact same tank and drum but at a far, far lower price without the auto dosing system. To constantly achieve optimum results it is important to use the right cleaning products. In this combination they require only 60 x 73 cm of floor space. Washer-dryer stack. For a normal-sized load in a high-efficiency washing machine, the recommended HE detergent amount is usually 2 tablespoons. Miele in particular write about this in their guidance. The Miele washing machine does a solid job of getting clothes cleaned, but due to its size you can’t wash a lot of clothes at once. And when people comment as such, some guy Kenneth (presumably the author) comes along getting defensive, posting more incorrect information, then suggesting everyone who disagrees with it or calls-out the fact much of it is totally incorrect, works for Miele?!? NEW for June 2020, we have seen Miele introduce a long awaited UltraPhase Sensitive detergent to the TwinDos detergent range. Select the degree of soiling. The bottom line here is, this is going to cost you more and possibly a lot more over the time you own the machine. I ran out of Miele tabs and used up some Finish tabs I had previously bought, but they do not clean as well as the Miele tabs. The washing machine uses UltraPhase 1 … Make sure you add the correct type of detergent to the correct compartment when operating the washing machine. You can use your own favourite brand liquids in the cartridges by setting up custom TwinDos detergent in the app. Out the gate all the domestic systems we’ve seen from the like of Miele, Indesit, Bosch and so on have the same underlying fundamental problem, they can only use liquid detergents. Are The Scents In Laundry Detergent Harmful Aspenclean Laundry Detergent Can You Make Slime With Powder Laundry Detergent. Read on to find out which compartment to use for different types of washing aid. There might be fewer suds, but you’ll still get a good clean. We can confirm that whilst there are issues to take into consideration when connecting any washing machine to a water softener, as long as these are adhered to, this will not affect the performance or durability of the appliance and will not invalidate your extended guarantees, providing any future faults are not caused by the water softener.” Customer Support Advisor Miele. I guess is the same way dishwashers do. Quality Technology Craftsmanship Service Design Miele ... Miele Experience Centres. The Freshen up steam function is ideal for Loading the washing machine Opening the door ĺReach under the door grip and pull the door open. London Abingdon. Hi, I just bought a Miele washing machine and was wondering what detergent to use for normal loads and for woolens. Marketing people, on the other hand, wishing to underhandedly want to promote these features may well masquerade as Joe Public. TwinDos washing machines come with cartridges pre-filled with Miele's UltraPhase 1 and 2 solution, which can be refilled with your own detergent too. First things first, you need to know how to clean washing machines to ensure the best results from your wash. Can You Use He Laundry Detergent In Regular Washing Machine Powder Laundry Detergent Dollar General Bonux Laundry Detergent, Kodomo Baby Laundry Detergent Malaysia All Laundry Detergent Coupons June 2013 Laundry Detergent For Darks With Added Softener. This is why we now offer detergents specifically for Miele washing machines. Simply Pour the dish detergent into the washing machine just like you would if you were using laundry detergent. UltraWhite will clean your whites thoroughly and hygienically. But as far as we can tell, it is the only one that actually brands and sells its own detergent. TwinDos washing machines come with cartridges pre-filled with Miele's UltraPhase 1 and 2 solution, which can be refilled with your own detergent too. Monitor, start and control your W1 washing machine conveniently with your smartphone or tablet from wherever you are. As a general guide this includes: To achieve optimum results all the time, it is important to use the right detergent. Afraid it misses countless points - huge sections of it are simply incorrect. And you'll notice that as often as not those same comments are emphatically supporting the auto dosing system. It refers to the weight of dry clothes not when they’re wet! Free shipping on online orders over $25 within the contiguous US. If you rarely wash workout clothes and almost all your laundry is work clothes from your job in a climate-controlled office, for instance, you might find that you only need a tiny bit of detergent to get the job done. Should detergent enter the eyes, rinse out immediately with plenty of lukewarm water. What is the Miele WMR 560 WPS? The dispenser drawer even features additional containers for primary detergent, bleach and softener. The Miele detergent is actually quite watery itself, so she said to just try and match that in terms of consistency. liquid, powder, pod ; All of them can be regular or HE type. No, you should not use regular detergents in a high-efficiency washer as you might experience problems. And, you need to keep in mind that machines sold with such a system are sold with a hefty premium. The chance of a machine figuring out that you’ve banged in mixed items is zero. And what the manufacturer's recommended procedure is. Whenever your washer is empty, you can clean it very well by pouring a cup of bleach into the bleach dispenser and running a hot Normal cycle. None of the machine currently available can get around that problem and without some hateful fuzzy logic or AI and RFID or something in the clothes, we can’t see any way around that problem. So, what we thought was the case, proves to be true in actual testing. Miele Detergents. You also do not need to add any fabric conditioner. I was told to avoid using Napisan and liquid detergents. We would advise strongly to avoid anything that traps you in this way as there’s no need for it and, it probably won’t be doing you any favours. Miele can now offer detergent savings of up to 30% with the new AutoDos automatic dispensing system for liquid and powder detergent. You may certainly use it in a standard or regular washing machine. I use Quixtar/Amway SA8 with BioQuest HE soap powder in my agitator topload washer and it works very well! What that means is, if you select the wrong program, it’ll wash wrong and now it will also dose wrong as well. If you use a product like Persil, make sure you use the handy dosing ball to measure the right dose. Submitted: 9 years ago. Plus you’ve got all the space you need, adding extra size to the machines is not of concern normally and the cost of installing such a system not prohibitive in relative terms. High-efficiency laundry detergents are specially marked by “HE” sign. About us Miele in Great Britain Careers Press Suppliers Dealers Contact. Many people might not think this a problem but, it is and a big one. The formula, specially developed for Miele washing machines, stands for reliable, excellent washing results. To use liquid detergent, remove the detergent drawer from the washing machine by pressing release lever (A) and then insert the provided liquid container in the main-wash compartment. You can either use a manufacturers proprietary detergent or your own choice of liquid detergent for the best of both worlds. Simply doing this eliminates any chance of overdosing on detergent (not to mention saving you money!) The marketing bumph makes it sound great, it’ll improve your life, give you more time, make you not worry and all the usual garbage we see but, is it actually true? Connected Home . That leads to use being a very fickle affair, you need to sort laundry completely correctly, select the correct program and the correct soiling level or, it won’t wash well. Factoring in the life of a Miele with the with TwinDos (no more putting too much detergent in the wash) and A+++ energy rating and there are good savings to be made. If installing the machine on a Miele plinth (available as an optional accessory), please make sure you order the correct one for this washing machine. By screening the water from pre-wash with a sensor. A Miele tech recommended this to me. You have a brand new Miele TwinDos washing machine with automatic detergent dosing. Stunning, impressive, intuitive. Largely this is why we are quite dismissive of the comments. Even if some are genuine, they do not have the insight we do as we've actually tested, reviewed and looked at the insides of these things and how they work. So if you are perhaps under the illusion that somehow the machine will magically work all that out for you, please rethink as it simply will not do so. You must not use normal detergent in your top loading washing machine as high-efficiency washing machines are designed meticulously with low water levels and a tumbling washing action. The issue is in fact regarding detergent dosing. But you can always find a friend or family member who uses regular detergent and see if they will buy your "tons" of the regular and then go and buy the HE kind. The bottom line here is, this is going to cost you more and possibly a lot more over the time you own the machine. If you have any questions or for more information click. 1 Detergent dispenser drawer 2 Control panel 3 Access to drain filter, drain pump and emergency release 4 Door 3. mixed up wash labels, no chance. Powder can be a little cheaper, but harder to dissolve in cold water. You don't need to buy any additional detergents or washing machine cleaning products, just watch our video above or follow the five easy steps below to prevent a smelly washing machine. You can use HE detergent in a regular or standard top load washer with a center agitator but not the other way around. Miele recommends using Miele descaling agent which is available … In the world of commercial machines, automatic dosing or auto dosing has been about for a while and in full-blown commercial use, we can understand why. If, however, you do wish to descale it, only use a proprietary natural citric acid based descaling agent. Because of that, manufacturers have developed special HE detergents that provide the same cleaning power as traditional laundry detergents but produce less suds. Simply perfect laundry care. Miele also introduces steam into automatic washing machines. We also noted that a number of these machines now come with cleaning systems to clean the drum, some of which use all manners of contraptions to solve the problem of bad smells that will almost inevitably occur, including internal carbon filters to try to clean the air, steam generators and so on as well as a bunch of electronics to control it all. To achieve optimum results all the time, it is important to use the right detergent. Good reasons for choosing Miele. So here’s the other big thing about auto-dosing, you’re not in control of the dose, the machine is and the simplistic logic within it. Firstly, the dryer on the Siemans is terrible. You might notice fewer suds, but your clothes will still come out fresh and clean! The machine will wash on the program you select irrespective of what you put in it and, when there’s an auto-dose system in operation, it will do according to the program that you select. This removes more stubborn stains like tea and coffee, leaving your clothes looking as good as new. Now we totally get that it sounds great, load up the machine with “stuff”, wash things and that’s it. You nor we, have any clue who these people are, such is the nature of the internet so these could be completely fake or false reviews, who knows as the comments are not verified posters. We guess you could argue that if you can afford a Miele TwinDos machine than you probably aren’t all that bothered about the cost but we’re sure you don’t want to get ripped off or do you want to get poor results or have more hassle. I recently bought a Miele TWINDOS machine and while I appreciate the concerns and frustrations expressed in the article, I think it basically boils down to users doing their research and reading the manual to get the most from their machines and its dosing system. 1970 Miele becomes the first manufacturer to offer a built-under washing machine (Miele W 440 U). Miele washing machines not only make your clothes look their best – they make your home look brilliant, too. while correct in stating that liquid detergents cannot contain bleach, it conveniently doesnt explain that a number of dosing machines have 2 compartments, one for detergents (liquid) and one specifically for the bleach side of things. You can use your favourite liquid detergent in the refillable bottles, that are then loaded into the machine or you can use the slightly more expensive, but far superior, Ultra Two phase, Miele detergent. Your clothes will be cleaner and brighter and your washing machine will be protected from scale and scum. Of course, if the manufacturer can lock you in to buying stuff from them and them exclusively at whatever they want to charge you, sure they’re gonna do that. Miele also gives you the option … Add 1 teaspoon for … Whether your water is naturally soft or you use a softener, you can get by with 1-1.5 teaspoons or tablespoons, for liquid and powder respectively, instead. And that means, not cheap or you're on an expensive maintenance plan. Which means that, as two repairers commented when they peered into these machines, they'd not touch it with a bargepole, far too complex and not worth getting involved with. HE detergents are the same as regular detergents except that the HE version has extra ingredients such as suds control agents and soil suspending agents. Browse Miele washing machines in India. They wrote to Miele to enquire as to why they should not use softened water and received the following response: “Many of our customers make use of domestic water softeners, which gives them the benefit of a softened water supply. Upstairs is the Siemans, downstairs is the Miele. Mixed colours, not a hope. The difference is HE detergent is formulated to be low-sudsing for high-efficiency, energy-saving washing machines that use less water in the wash and rinse cycles. Liquid detergent can be used for applicable model only. Knowing where to put liquid detergent in a washing machine will depend on the detergent you're using. Yes, you can cut the tabs in 2 with kitchen shears or use a large, sharp knife and a cutting board. Always check the instructions on your detergent first to make sure it can be used this way. Miele guide to washing machines; To top of page. The technology of our front loadng washing machines combines cleaning performance with energy efficiency and speed – so you can achieve more, with less. You see no liquid detergent can contain bleach for technical reasons, it’s just not possible to do so when you use liquids all the time you get issues with smells as bacteria grows in the machine leading to the old smelly washer problems. 3. How to use liquid detergent in a washing machine. You could actually end up with more to do, not less. Good reasons for choosing Miele. Miele in particular write about this in their guidance. Consumer sales 0330 160 6630. With the free Miele@mobile app you can keep an eye on the fill level of the detergent or the time left for the current programme to run. Washing machine manufacturers often require the use of HE detergent in new front-loaders but in the case of HE Tide, it can … If you accidentally use non-HE detergent in your high-efficiency machine, the first thing to do is stop using that particular detergent and replace it with HE detergent. Now, of course, you want to get started as quickly as possible with the TwinDos system, so that you use exactly enough detergent. It is likely to produce excess suds that will not rinse out easily, causing the machine to add extra rinse cycles. This gives you the capability to store a whole litre or so of liquid detergent in the machine and it will auto dose itself based on your program. What you need is to read the notes and instructions on the bottles, packs, etc. You decide what's real and what's not, even when the posts start with "I'm a real person and don't work for XXXXXX". I'll be honest, I've not had my Bosch i-Dos washing machine long enough to comment on the smells and certainly not long enough to worry about repair costs, but even if those points are perfectly valid, there is another point at play - lazyness! You can find out how to set up your TwinDos washing machine here. With your Miele washing machine you have chosen excellent quality and performance. HE detergents are comparable in price to regular laundry detergents, so look for the (HE) symbol and ensure that you are using the correct detergent for your high-efficiency washer. Over time, using the wrong soap can damage your machine, leading to costly repairs, as the extra suds that regular detergent creates can cause the machine's pump to overheat or break down. Our advice is to think about that a lot before you part with your cash. Automatic dosing of detergent and conditioner, is it a good thing or a bad thing? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 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